
13 July 2016

Stylecraft Blogstar

This weekend I had the privilege
 of being part of a select group of bloggers
 who spent time together
 with the wonderful Stylecraft team at
 Stylecraft Mill
 in Slaithwaite, W Yorkshire!

The mill was once a cotton mill.
We walked the old stone stairs
 that are worn by the original mill workers
 wearing clogs

and the old wooden floors
that have seen generations of mill workers.

It was so interesting to see fleece

in all its different stages

being transformed

into the finest quality yarn.

The mill spins natural fibres

into fine yarn for

making into worsted suiting

and high end knitwear.

 I can hear you all saying
 where is the yarn we love to crochet?

The mill works only with natural fibres

so we were lucky to see

where Stylecraft's sister yarn

is made.
This is a high end yarn in DK, aran and 4 ply,
 fine merino wool and baby alpaca.
 It is beautifully soft and comes in a fabulous array of colours
 specially selected to compliment each other.

The Special acrylic yarn many of us love is made in Turkey
but dispatched from the mill in W Yorkshire

so we were drooling at the size of this stash!

Stylecraft Life DK

The purpose of my visit
 was to attend the first meeting of the

Can you imagine my delight
 when a few months ago
 I was approached by Stylecraft
 and asked to be part of a team of bloggers
 along with these other fabulous ladies!

In the photo you can see left to right

Catherine from Crafternoon Treats

Sandra from Cherry Heart


Phil from The Twisted Yarn

Lucy from Attic 24

Sarah from Annaboo's House 


Sue Pinner from Suz's Place

also part of the Stylecraft Blogstars
 but unable to attend are

Emma from Emma Varnham

Jane from Janie Crow


Angela Armstrong from Get Knotted Yarn Craft

We were treated to talks
 and mood boards
 showing how the new season yarns were developed

and delighted with balls to squish and smooch

in a delicious array of colours

Stylecraft treated us like Royalty
with a wonderful lunch,
and cakes
 and sent us home with a goody bag
 filled with yarn, hooks and chocolate!
 They also gave us bags, keyrings, labels and vouchers
 which I will be using over the next year as giveaway prizes!

Imagine spending time with all those yarn loving people,
 who also blog and are addicted to posting on social media
 and like me prefer being home with crochet more than anything else!
It was better than Christmas!

So I am now officially a
 Stylecraft Blogstar
and you can look forward this year
 to lots of new yarny goodness on my hook
 and up to the minute info on new yarns coming out!

Keep watching folks!




  1. WOW! What a wonderful opportunity and how lovely to be invited to join such a creative team of girls. You deserve it with all your beautiful creations and inspiration you share with us. Thank you ❤

  2. I am so delighted for you to have that experience and share it with us. My mother is making her 7th afghan using Stylecraft yarn and I have made a granny blanket using it. I think it is a fabulous well priced yarn. Always inspiring.

  3. Wow, what a fabulous experience and what an amazing stash of yarn! They're lucky I wasn't there lol, half of the warehouse contents would have "disappeared". Giggle. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I feel like I went with you. xoxox

  4. Heather, that's so awesome! You inspire us every day with your beautiful color combos and amazing creations. Kudos to Stylecraft for recognizing all of the talented bloggers and crafters!!

  5. That looks like wool heaven. So nice to sit and talk to like minded people and to see all the new season colours.

  6. I can think of no other blogger who fills us with such love of the process as you do, so you are a perfect choice. Go Stylecraft for honoring its best and finest. That makes me love it even more! I loved the tour. Your ideas are so clever and your work is beautiful. A little heart you made hangs with love and hope from my Mom's IV pole... hugs!


Thank you for visiting The Patchwork Heart.