Hello and happy half term!
How wonderful to be full time Patchwork Heart for a week!
I am totally in my happy zone!
A few weeks ago
feeling that my creativity was being stifled I began playing.
I was inspired by the wonderful colourful images in my feed
on both Facebook and Instagram from the talented
So I dug out her book
Granny Squares
and started playing with hexies
Join as you go is my favourite joining method
I love the texture it creates and making the blanket as I go.
These tesselating shapes are just perfection to me!
I loved the simplicity here
of working with just 3 colours
I used
fondant pomegranate and raspberry
it was so easy to work out
which colour order came next
as at each corner 3 hexies meet
meaning that you just need 1 of each
I worked from the centre outwards in rounds
and love the hexagon shaped blanket with its uneven edges
It wasnt long before a simple picot edging
completed the blanket
and it was sold!
So what next I thought . . .
and a bigger hexie blanket!
The idea of this blanket was to try out some
that I had been given
This time I worked in rows
using 11 shades
oh what fun planning each row
I love the multi coloured hexagons
and my next hexie blanket will use even more shades
Comparison wise
Stylecraft Special DK wins every time for me
for blanket making.
I have to say again and again
it is so soft, beautiful to work with and has great washability.
The Hayfield Bonus I found to have a very cheap feel
and the different colours have different thicknesses so its not for me.
I'm pleased to have had the opportunity to try it
as I know many people like its large colour range.
I am sure the blanket will look great when complete though
and have confidence that a wash with plenty of fabric softener
will help it along nicely!
Thank you for the many lovely comments you all send,
I am sorry that I do not have time to reply individually.
I love to share my work to encourage and inspire you!
If you have enjoyed my posts
please consider a small donation
to support my crochet journey
by using the Paypal donate logo on my sidebar
Have a wonderful hooky Bank Holiday my friends
Both blankets are lovely. I haven't tried the Hayfield, but I do like Stylecraft for blankets! xx
The pink hexie blanket is lovely. It's interesting to see how just using three colours can create such a lovely effect.
I am loving your hexie blankets. I am enjoying a crocheting half term too, it won't be long enough to get everything I want to get done though!
Oh! I love the colour mix in that second blanket. So bright and cheerful! I need to hit the yarn store for some new yarn - I need a new colourful project just like yours!!
Oh the raspberry hexies are DIVINE!
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