Hello and welcome to Patchwork House . . . . .
my little corner of the world in England, where you will find me addicted to colour and playing with yarn!

9 September 2016

The Batik Rainbow Blanket

A few months ago you will remember,
I had the privilege of visiting Stylecraft Mill along with the other blogstars.
 We were treated like royalty
 and showered with gifts to share with you all!

One of these gifts was a pack of the new
This is a 20% wool 80% acrylic mix with a speckled appearance.
 It comes in cute 50g balls and is available in 16 beautiful shades.

So what a pleasure it has been
 to design a blanket
 that would showcase this new yarn.

I began by trying out a new block to me, from an old favourite book, 
you can buy this from Amazon.
(Note the UK version has a pink cover
 and the US version has a blue cover!)

I wanted to use a small square
 so chose the Wisteria block and just made rounds 1 to 4.

Playing with the colours is my favourite part!
I soon realised that the 16 shades have been created to work well
together, which is a joy for us crochet artists.

I have used 1 50g ball of the shades
old gold
10 balls of
biscuit for the joining and border.
I worked with a 3.5mm hook

You can buy the yarn 

So I set about making squares
 using 4 rounds of colour
 and the 5th round of each square I made in biscuit.

Some balls made 7 squares and others made 8!
This will be due to varying yarn thickness
 and differences in my tension.

So I had 99 squares when complete
 which I arranged in a rectangle 9 x 11.
I'm frequently asked how do I plan the layout of my blankets
 to make them look random. Well my trick is to play crochet Sudoku!
Just using my eye I try to place only 1 of any colour
 in each row or column and it works well!

My first layout was a random mix of the squares as seen above,
 but this just didn't sing to me! I knew that the Batik yarn
 was more special than this so I had a second play!

This time I was happy, very happy indeed!
I chose the layout above blending the colours
 from 1 corner of the rectangle to the opposite one.

Joining is my favourite part of blanket making
 as you see it come together so fast.

I have crocheted the squares together from the back,
 using UK dc through both loops.
 This gives a really strong join with a nice simple look.
 You will find a tutorial for this method

The first view of the blanket is always so exciting
 and here above you can see it with the first direction of joining done.

The second direction of joining
 completes the blanket into one piece
 and look what a wonderful surprise I found!
 As 4 squares meet and are joined
 a flower is formed from their 4 corners!
 This is made from the pattern of the squares
 and nothing to do with the joining method.
What a delight!

When you stand back and view the blanket from a distance
there is another surprise to behold . . .
can you see the diagonal pattern made by the holes?
Oh what a joy, this rainbow blanket of plain squares
 has so much to delight in it!

Here's a close up of the join and the formation of the flower.
This joining method creates a ridge on the back of the blanket
 and smooth flat finish on the front.

With the blanket complete it was time to choose the border.
I can highly recommend this border book
It is written in US terms and has written instructions and charts.

I have used border number 27
 after beginning with a foundation round of trebles first.

So here it is
my Rainbow Batik Blanket

If you would like to try this yarn for yourself
 (or treat yourself to any other Stylecraft yarns or patterns)
I am hosting a little
for my UK followers.

You can win yourself a Stylecraft bag of goodies,
filled with some Patchwork Heart treats
and £25 of vouchers!
(The vouchers can be redeemed in UK, at any bricks and mortar yarn shop.)

To enter
simply leave me a comment on this blog post,
 telling me what you enjoy about my blog.
You must make sure that I can find your email
 to contact you in case you are the winner!
A winner will be drawn at random on
 Sunday 25th September
 so you have 2 weeks to enter!

The fun of this rainbow blanket is that it looks so different
 from every direction!

This blanket is a winner and it is a keeper!
 A new blanket for Patchwork House!

If you are not a fan of wool, do not despair!
I have had some comments from followers on Facebook and Instagram
who either cannot wear wool or who would prefer a more affordable option.
As you know I listen to all your comments and aim to please! 
I have plans to make the same blanket again
 in Stylecraft Special DK using the flecked yarns,
 so watch this space!

I wish you all a happy hooky weekend
and look forward to reading your comments.
Don't forget to comment here now
 to be in with a chance of winning!


This post was sponsored by Stylecraft Yarns


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Claire C said...

I love all the colours of your recipes, so inspiring, and your courage in adversity, blessings, Claire

SparklierSide said...

I love how creative you are!! I can't help but be inspired but the patterns and colour combos you use... and also the neatness of your stitches.. shamelessly try to copy a few. lol

Unknown said...

I've only recently come across your blog and Facebook page! It's an absolute delight to see your posts daily, your work is amazing and inspiring! I only started to crochet myself in Feb this year, I sew (machine) as a 'day job' and crochet is my escape and I use it to relax of an evening but I also love to read your blog and posts as a way of chilling and finding new ideas for my next crochet project! Thank you!
Lisa xx

Unknown said...

Hi Heather love your work and your blog so very helpful and informative

Unknown said...

Gorgeous inspiring blanket would love to win

NattyBooSpindle said...

Your blanket is fantastic! I have also used the wisteria square in the past, but I used up all my oddments of stylecraft dk, it really is a square that keeps on giving, creating the flower at the join points, and the extended hole pattern. I always learn something new from your blogs, I own the Jan Eaton book and the All Around the Corner book thanks to reading your posts, and I find both excellent for both creative ideas and easiness to follow. Thank you for continuing to inspire us all! Susie Picker
(If I am lucky enough to win the prize my email is susiepicker@hotmail.co.uk)

LYNNE said...

Love your blog Heather and have watched it grow and inspire like minded crocheteers for a while.
You have taken every challenged presented to you and sailed through to inspire not only myself, but thousands of people all over the world
Keep going

Unknown said...

Love the colours you've used and also the lovely little flower formed when the squares are joined together. Very pretty Heather.
Maureen Grey k9maur@gmail.com

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I love your blog as its sharp & straight to business, not waffling on about irrelevant stuff. Always beautiful pictures too . Love seeing your work

Misa Buckley said...

What do I love about your blog? Gosh, where do I start!

I love all the colours, and the combinations you choose, but I think more than anything, I love your generosity in sharing colour recipes, how to's, and all your wonderful photographs!

Your blog is always a pleasure to visit, both in terms of friendliness and inspiration.

Unknown said...

I love your blog as it's just so inspiring. I'm about 100 years behind you in terms of skill but your beautiful work makes me want to be good - it keeps me going! 💕

Unknown said...

I love this blanket and the colours you have used. I always visit your blog to get colour inspiration and have recently used some of your rainbows for my blankets. Stylecraft yarn is my go to yarn and also use it for amigurumi as it works up really well. I'm inspired now to try the batik yarn and to make a lovely snuggly blanket for myself!

Unknown said...

I love this rainbow blanket so much. My favourite thing about your blog is #mugshots I love how your photos show your crochet environment is the same as most of us, with a cuppa!

Unknown said...

I enjoy the beautifulcrochet you post that inspires a young artist like myself :) my email is chloe@antunes.co.uk , thank you for holding this competition:) xx

Anonymous said...

I would like to enter your competition....I enjoy your blog because I like your colourways, I find the items you make inspiring and I like the fact that you clearly state where to get the patterns and yarns to make them. I am currently having great fun working on the Crochet Christmas Baubles from BoHo Crochet which I found out about on your FB page. Thanks from Marie Atkinson, Leeds

Unknown said...

I always love reading your posts, you and your mum inspire me to try different colours. And I love love your new rainbow blanket. Thank you

Unknown said...

I love hearing about how you choose colours, what inspires you, and how you try out different blocks. Your tutorials are clear and easy to follow. It's my go to blog for inspiration. lynnpugsley@gmail.com

Unknown said...

That's a beautiful blanket! Love your colour recipes!you have inspired me to buy the 'around the corners' book and as you says it's super useful!! Enjoy your crochet. Take care xx

Unknown said...

Dear Heather,

Your Patchwork Heart blog has been an inspiration to me. When the mundanity of everyday life gets me down, seeing your colourful creations restores my spirits and motivates me to get out my wool for a while.
Thank you so much for showing your work. I for one, greatly appreciate it.

Unknown said...
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Daff said...

Your blog is always full of colour and inspiration, this is another blanket to add to my ever growing list of things I must make

Chrissiebabes.62 said...

I have been following you on Facebook for some time and I just love watching through you posts how your projects grow and become beautiful works of art. Through reading your comments and following your helpful comments my tension has inproved tremendously and I have made, to me, the perfect granny square cushion cover, that for once isn't misshapen.
Thank you once again for all the inspiration you give us. xxxxxxxxxxx

Tallulah said...

I have only recently found your blog, and love your use of colour and the information you give in relation to patterns used for blocks, joining and borders!! Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

Your blog posts always inspire me to pick up my hook, even if I don't feel like crocheting, your colour combos, patterns and designs are always beautiful, love to see notifications pop up about new posts from you!

Gemma Rose said...
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Sherrie said...

Amazing post Heather, I too use your same method when deciding where to place the squares. I love the way and style you've decided on. Plus the join looks amazing with the corners meeting and creating a sweet little flower!

I love visiting your blog, it's full of inspirational projects and great tutorials. If I'm ever in doubt I always stop by and check if it's something you've covered.

Sherrie x Ollie & Bella

Gemma Rose said...

Dear Heather

What a wonderful new blanket, I love the hidden flower and pattern in this blanket and love reading your blog for lots of ideas. I can say I'm never disappointed with the information you share and love keeping up with new designs you do x x x

Keep up the amazing work x

Love Gemma x

Karin said...

I love your blog. What more can I say. Your colour choices are amazing, your blankets stunning, your work outstanding and your tutorials written with just the right level of detail so anyone can follow. You are so helpful to all your followers and inspirational. I have taught myself to crochet over the last 3 years and learn from you daily. Thank you Heather x Karin email address Karin@selwood.org

Sarah Lord said...

I love your colour recipes, and seeing your beautiful finished items of course. My email is sarah-lord(at)live.co.uk

Berni said...

I love your colour recipes! You're so good at putting them together.
Your blog is a great read with a cup of tea x
Good luck with your move x

Unknown said...

Heather, your blog never fails to inspire me with my own crochet. I love that you are prepared to share your coloure recipes and tutorials with us and although I consider myself an experienced crocheter your tutorials have enabled me to perfect new techniques and experiment more with colour. Your Batik blanket is beautiful and I love that you have played with the squares to get a different look from the norm - again inspiring your readers to try something different. x

Sarah Nendick said...

I love to marvel at just how fast your creations fly off your hook when mine seem to take ages!

Unknown said...

Hello again Heather, I have been inspired by not only your blog, you manage to sound so upbeat and cheerful and convey your love for your crochet and your affinity with colours so well, the way that you write showcases your passion for your work, I can almost hear you talking. I love the way you share your ideas and assist with any queries. I am also guilty of a little crochet envy, your work is always so meticulous and the speed at which you turn out items is amazing. I am truly in awe of such a creative and genuine lady. Your work inspires me to create and try new things. Thank you xx

Nikki D said...

I love your flair for colours, your beautiful designs but most of all your selflessness in sharing it all with us. 💜

Brownie said...

I follow you on Facebook and instagram. I have been crocheting for about 3 years. I love it. I particularly love blankets. I love your blog as I love the different colour combinations and the simple stitches you use to create beautiful things. I am allergic to wool but love the stylecraft special dk and use it for most things as it's so soft. Would love to use the batik but think it might have too much wool. I'm doing a hexagon blanket at the moment, but I'm going to take a break and have a go at your wonderful bottle covers for Christmas pressies :)

RooKnits said...

Such beautiful blankets and inspiring ideas. Thank you.

Nikki D said...

I love your flair for colour and design but most of all your selflessness in sharing it all with us. 💜

Unknown said...

Crocheting is a wonderful pastime that has many benefits.

Your work is inspiring and brings people together in a positive way. It's lovely to see beautiful posts showing peoples work, sharing knowledge, offering support.

I love our hooky community and happily pass on my knowledge/skills (such as they are) spreading the crafty love.


Unknown said...

Hello heather, well where to start! I just love what you do on your blog Instagram and Facebook, I look forward to seeing what your up to next lol, I've learnt a lot from you like how to work in a production line which helps keep me organised with my own work, still learning a lot your a very talented lady, this blanket proves that I think this is so aesthetically looking as it seems to please the eye and those colours are to die for I think stylecraft new what they were doing by making you a blog star as we all really appreciate you opinion and how very hard you work despite your ailing health you are such a treasure. A really big THANK YOU. Xx

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Heather, I've said it a millions times before but I'd love to say it again. This is just gorgeous as is all your work. Love seeing every single post/blog. Your colour arranging is always spot in. Thank you for inspiring me!

Sylvie said...

Ohhh my God, lovely blanket, you always make me feel the necessity to start crocheting when I see your posts.

Unknown said...

I love the way you describe your projects including pics of the work! Its a fantastic blog! Keep up the good work :)

Pam Chown said...

I always visit your blogs when I'm in need of inspiration. Your colour choices are amazing. Your instructions are so clear and easy to follow. I love the little flower shapes that appear in the corners of the latest blanket, I hope I can recreate them.

Alison said...

I love the way you combine colours and that you are so willing to share your creativity and knowledge.

Emma said...

Oh Heather, another lovely blog. I'd love to enter your fab competition please! I love it all, the colour recipes, the progress shots with your famous cups of tea and the end results so I cannot pick just one thing! This and your juicy fruits are a couple of my favourites ;)

Lorraine Buick said...

I just love your inspiration, the colours you use and the way you tell us how everything comes together. You make me confident to try new things

Poetry Splash said...

Heather, your blanket is absolutely beautiful! It is really interesting to see both layouts and how the second one really makes the colours sing. It's a stunner😍.

Lilacden said...

What a gorgeous blanket! I love to see how you put colour combinations together I wouldn't have thought of. It's also exciting to see a project come together from nothing to a big blanket

Cramtele8 said...

I love learning about your colour combinations and your colour choices
and using lovely basic granny square patterns and ideas. You explain your colours, stitches and borders with knowledge and put us the readers in a positive attitude to making such beautiful throws and bankers

Lilacden said...
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Heather McMurray said...

Love your blogs Heather. They are always so easy to follow and understand. I love your use of colour and designs and I have followed many of your suggested colour recipes. heather. nannyh61@outlook.com

Unknown said...

Your use of colour and your lovely patterns inspire me to keep making things. Thank you very much.

Pennie said...

I love the 'realness' of the Patchwork Heart. It makes me feel as though 'I can'do these things with Heather's help.

Unknown said...

Always love your blankets and the colours. I am always worried about colour combinations but your blog gives me confidence to try.

Unknown said...

Simply amazing! Such gorgeous texture and the colour combo is lovely to. Can't wait to make one of my own. Many thanks for sharing with us x

Maureen said...

Sorry I cannot compete because I live in the US. But I wanted to say WOW! and thank you for a great blog/tutorial. Lovely work and great explanation and hints.

Susan Dennis said...

I have followed your blog for a long time, you are so clever putting colours together, it is always a joy to see your completed blankets, a feast for sore eyes. Keep up with your beautiful creations you have such talent and inspire so many people including myself.

Helen C said...

I love your blog as you have beautiful colour combinations in your creations. Stylecraft is my favourite yarn brand so I get inspiration from your designs. I also love your mug collection.

Unknown said...

You inspire me greatly. You seem to work so fast that every time I visit there is something new to drool over.

Bernie said...

I can't crotchet, I love to see what your doing because one day soon I want to retire and try everything you have shown us :-)

Unknown said...

I have been following you for some time now and it never ceases to amaze me how quick you are at crocheting. You are like a human version of the Duracell bunny and with your illness as well. Totally remarkable. I work full time but do love to crochet in my spare time but I don't produce anywhere near as much as you. I especially love the way you put all your colours together. I try to do something a bit different but it never seems to work. You obviously have a very good eye for it and everything you make always looks stunning. I would love to win this prize and would class it as a late birthday present as my birthday is on 22nd September. Thank you for sharing all your projects and all your tips and advice. Very, very inspirational. Look forward to seeing lots more in the future. Happy crocheting xx

Anonymous said...
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28home.blogspot.com said...

I love your colour combinations. Your blankets always look stunning.


Anonymous said...

I love being introduced to new patterns and shapes that I wouldn't have come across on my own. Thank you for your kindness!
Kirsty from Kent

Forever Crafting said...

Hello Heather,

Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

What I love about your blog is that you give so much detail so as I can take inspiration from what you do without having to ask you questions, as you answer all questions I would have in your blog posts!

Absolutely love this Batik blanket, it's simply amazing! Can't wait to see what you do with the other Stylecraft flecked one, too, as a more affordable option.

Hopefully you can find my email address if by any chance I win, if not if you reply to this comment it should email me to notify me about the comment and then I can send it through to you properly.

Best wishes,
Felicity xx

Unknown said...

I absolutely love your mug shots! I feel so cosy when you post from your bed with a crochet project and a brew in a beautiful mug! Tessa ✌��️❤️

Never Not Crochet said...

I'm a relative newcomer to your blog, but I just love it so much. It's bright and clear and most of the patterns and items you show speak to me! Thank you for sharing your talent and ideas with the world.

Tracey Moore said...

Your post's are so inspiring. I'm new to crochetting and you make everything so easy, from your photos to your descriptions. I have a long lists of projects that I can't wait to start. Thank you x

Linda Bridle said...

You never cease to amaze me Heather with each and everyone of your beautiful creations! The Batik Rainbow Blanket looks so so cosy and I love the way the biscuit colour holds it all together with the unexpected flower created by the joining method, what a treat! 💛
I find your blogs are an absolute delight to read and I love the way you are inspired by colours iwe use in our everyday life, so simple yet so effective.

You are my crochet heaven 💙

Unknown said...

More than the patterns, the colors, the photos that I enjoy (to say the least), I love the calm and maturely happy way you move around on earth. Thanks for all of these :-)

Pat Collingwood said...

I love your blog it's very inspiring, the coulourful blankets are lovely.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous.....as is all your work...I love it all and am always amazed at how quickly you create.
The Batik is a lovely gentle effect and everything I have seen in it so far I wish to make. Stylecraft have created a real winner in this one!
Cannot thank you enough for all the tips and techniques you share, it is invaluable advice for those of us who crochet alone ...no groups where I live unfortunately.
Love when your posts pop up on my FB feed. Little bursts of colourful crochet happiness. ��

Deb said...

You are very inspiring and there's something very comforting in your blog posts. I love crochet and that you live on the Wirral where I was brought up. I can't wait to try and make a blanket of my own. Thanks x
Deb from N Lincolnshire

TeamWorrall said...

I love this blanket! The flower created at the join is a lovely surprise too! One of my favourite parts of your blog is all the photos! I'm a left handed crochet so a very visual learner when it comes to crocheting! The more photos the better! Can't wait to see what you create next xx

Suzy said...

The thing I love most about your blog is your sheer generosity in sharing such stunning design and colour work and I am in awe of the speed you crochet. You must be the fastest crocheter ever.

Wendy Le Lievre said...

I love this design - your blog shows clearly the process used for the construction of this blanket & how you made the striking design using these delicious yarns.
I really like the shades of this yarn - clear but soft.
Beautifully made Heather, as always.
Email: wendylelievre@hotmail.com

debi53 said...

I love your blog! You have such a way with color, it saves me so much time trying to decide what colors go together. Thank you for sharing and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being such an inspiration, Heather. This latest blanket is as beautiful as the rest. Although I do not live in the UK, my Daughter, Robyn,will be visiting shortly and would love her to get some Stylecraft while she is there. I have been crotch ting for hears and she has recently picked it up. Have an awesome day!
Regards, Lyn Gartrell

Anonymous said...

I like your blog because it feels so cosy, with the flowers in the background.
I also like the colours you always use and the many magnificent pictures.
Ofcourse I'de like to win this fabulous yarn, so I take the chance :-)
Have a nice day,

Happy Room Diana said...

You have inspired me to pick up my crochet hook again, I love your choice of colours.

Nicola said...

Of course I love the actual crochet, your work is beautiful, but I think my most favourite thing when I come to read your blog, is seeing all the different colour combinations you choose, you have a real knack for it!

Jo Underhill (jz.underhill@btinternet.com) said...


This blanket is just stunning! I've recently discovered this yarn but didn't realise there were so many colours (the shop I go to is quite small so has limited stock!). I can feel some internet shopping heading my way!

Keep up the amazing work!


Anonymous said...

Such a simple and effective design. The yarn looks really pretty and the colours go really well together. I am a big fan of Stylecraft and hope to use it one day. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations. Your blog always has amazing, inspiring ideas. becky@corb431.freeserve.co.uk ��xx

Unknown said...

Heather I adore your page! I came across it a couple of years ago when learning to crochet. All the pages I found were so boring, I started to think I'd have to make old fashioned bits and bobs. Luckily I came across your blog and it was exactly what I was looking for! The colours are always perfectly matched and so creatively chosen, they compliment the patterns beautifully. I always look forward to seeing the next project and love seeing your progress shots on Facebook and Instagram:) acrp135@gmail.com xx

dusty dimples said...

I love your blog because you explain things so well. Your not shy to share your ideas and that's really helpful to newbies like me x

Unknown said...

I enjoy your blog because I like the way you combine colours.(KatalinL)

Anonymous said...

I love that your using creative gifts to share and inspire others ! Thank you #createdtocreate

Rachel frazer said...

I love your work, and would love to win the vouchers

Rachel frazer said...
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Anonymous said...

I just am amazed at how quick you produce such amazing work and your use of colour.Your posts inspire me and encourage me to improve my crochet work and to try more tricky patterns .christineannsimmons@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Your blog is the equivalent of curling up with a good book and a slice of cake on a rainy day. It's unpretentious, genuine and inspiring. There's very little ego within it which is incredibly refreshing.


snoopydogknits said...

The blanket is beautiful! I love your choice iof colour layout; it works brilliantly! It's always a pleasure to read yiur clear tutorials or to pop in for a colour blast over on Instagram! Would love to make this one! Ros

Unknown said...

Hi Heather!
I love how helpful and generous you are - taking time to always share your colour recipes and your progress, allowing us a Facebook group to share our work and discuss and support each other, and taking time to make tutorials - the number of photos and amount of detail shows how long these must take, but it is very appreciated.

This might be one of my favourite of your creations - how beautiful!

Wishing you a happy weekend :)

Steph of Caravancrafts said...

What I always find amazing is how prolific you are in you're crocheting. No sooner is one masterpiece off the hook, another begins and the best bit is you find more time to share it with so many of us minions! Thanks!

Samantha Lovell said...

Hi, I thoroughly enjoy reading all about your crochet patterns, recipes and yarns . I'm a newbie to crochet and have taught myself this year. So Im Very grateful for all your tutorials and inspiration on your blog posts. Keep them coming. Xx Sam Lovell

Unknown said...

I wasn't going to enter at first, but thought actually i do have something to say. Thank you for bringing me back to the joys of crochet. I taught myself 5 years ago to crochet but ended up falling out of love with it. For birthdays i made friends children a crochet blanket each instead of buying presents. I then found out this wasn't appreciated so i stopped. I then taught myself to knit animals which i made mainly for my daughters and then i learnt to make special cakes which have gone down well. But you've brought me back to crochet. I have the book on 200 squares so im going to dig out my craft shed to find it. Today im also going to buy the border book I've admired it in the library and im going to sit and make myself a blanket. I love your designs and choice of patterns. Thank you for inspiring me back to something i have so much joy doing. Kate xx what katie made next. For fun. On Facebook xx

Unknown said...

I love your eye for colour and how you make something that looks complicated seem easy even for the most nervous of crocheters like myself. Its great that you also share the books and pattern names and numbers to help people who are inspired to try and replicate your work xx
Many thanks
Teresa Lusty

Rachel Geritz said...

I'm loving the muted colours of this range and your blog is one I've followed for a couple of years now. What I love about your blog is the variety of format with your beautiful photos from your walks, holidays and home alongside your work. I'm also overwhelmed by your natural sense of colour, it's such an amazing talent and I look forward to anything new with relish. Such an inspiring blog to visit it keeps my passion for crochet and yarn work alive. Thank you x. raych60@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

I love how detailed you are, the little flower in the biscuit joins are just the perfect little touch. You have helped me develop so much as a crocheter.

Thank you.

Raye xx


Toni houseofnine@live.co.uk said...

Reading your blog is like popping in for a cuppa and a chat! Warming, comfortable and friendly. Chatting about the things I love....a shared interest! It's an 'ahhh' moment! ��

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that blanket! The colours are divine and they work so well together. I am definitely going to have to get myself some of that yarn. What I love most about your blog is the colour inspiration and the beautiful things you create. You are an inspiration.

Hayley (stitchingyarns@gmail.com)

Mand hall said...

That is the loveliest blanket I've seen and I love the flower it makes. I've only just started crocheting but I'm loving it. My email is mandhall@yahoo.co.uk

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have been crocheting for less than a year. I only came across your lovely blog about 2 months ago but now refer to it all the time. I trust your colour combos 100% and your tutorials and the wonderful photography inspire me to create more and more....and more. Hmmmm. I think I need to start selling some of the many blankets I have now made!!!

Cheerful mum said...

I love your colour combinations, they are so happy! And your cheerful attitude ❤

Rachel said...

Oh Heather!! What an absolute joy this blanket is!! I greatly admire all of your work but this one really is something else and I'm not surprised that you are keeping it! I've followed your blog and Facebook pages for a couple of years and you never cease to be an inspiration to me - I would so love to win xxx

Anonymous said...

Sich beautiful colour recipes (I'm useless at putting colours together forr projects your blog is such a help) also the lovely snuggly projects you do ,they always look so fantastic! Xx

Charlotte said...

I love reading your blog Heather, particularly how you seem to be able to magic the colours together to create such beautiful designs x

Heather robson said...

Yes choice of colour, yarn and designs are so inspiring. You make me want to create and crochet every day! hrobson10@sky.com

Anonymous said...

Just love your blog, Heather. It gives such a lot of ideas from the items you crochet to the colour recipes that you give. The Wisteria blanket is stunning. Elizabeth elizabethrwren@gmail.com

Louise Carway said...

I love your blog. Your colours are so amazing and so inspirational. Plus you are so fast at completing projects that you put me to shame. Keep up the great work. X

Anonymous said...

Always inspired to pick up my hook after seeing your gorgeous creations! Thank you! Emma_hayes75@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

I love your blog, Heather. You are an inspiration to us all. I spend far too much time admiring the work of others especially you instead of just picking up my hook and hooking away. Thank you for showing us what can be done and how to do it. Sue KH XX

Debs said...

What a beautiful blanket. I love your inspiring colour combos and well explained techniques. Keep up the creative work. Dx

Anonymous said...

I'm so in love with this blanket! Love seeing your colour creativity! Name is Alida and Email alida.hussey@yahoo.co.uk

Deborah Perry said...

I love this tutorial! It's fool proof! Such lovely photography too.

Deb said...

Hello, what I enjoy most about your blog is what a lovely calming atmosphere it has, and the way you put colours together <3 Deb xx

Anonymous said...

Love the blog, just coming back to crocheting, find it therapeutic helping me to relax. Never tried making a blanket with the squares.....didn't realise you crochet them together.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blanket, I would love to make this, please include me in the draw, Natalie.

Tracy J said...

I love how you've showcased the new colours the blanket looks gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather. I love your blog as it took me back to my childhood and as a result of it inspired me to take a course at Love Stitch Heswall and I haven't looked back. Your colours patterns combinations are what gives it such a homely feel. Don't ever stop. I can be found on Face book message Jayne Wilkinson or lately at Love Stitch coffee and crochet on Fridays.

knitter18 said...

I love your colour combinations, constant updates of your wips and that you are not afraid to share the colour recipes and patterns that you use

Susan House said...

Thank you, Heather, for sharing your work with us all. You are such an inspiration both in your colour & pattern choice. I have learnt such a lot from you. I also enjoy your blog.

Sarah said...

This batik blanket is just beautiful. I love to see your work, you truly are an inspiration to a novice crotcheter like me.
I always feel encouraged to have a go myself as you explain everything so clearly in your blog.
Thank you. Sarah (butterfly.angel65@yahoo.co.uk)

craftymummyof3 said...

I love your designs. What I particularly like is your step by step process complete with photographs. It makes it so much easier to follow and lovely to see the complete item come to life! Really a joy to read!

Allison said...

I love reading your blogs because I find they are very clear and informative. The photos you use are great and the colours are spectacular. The tutorials are excellent especially for a beginner.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and Facebook posts Heather. Also the page for us to show our work inspired by you. you are so generous with your skill and knowledge. I have been inspired to crochet by you. Ann

Diddle. said...

Dianne Thorley

I use your colours as inspiration for some of my own projects, I am new to crochet and find your blog helpful for hints and tips when I struggle, the willow square you did a break down of was most useful to me as I am only just getting there when reading a pattern.

I love your work long may it continue to inspire and help people like me xx


Diddle. said...

I use your colour inspiration for some of my own projects, you make it look really easy and everything you make always looks beautiful. I am new to crochet and find your blog helps me with hints and tips when I struggle, I mastered the willow square thanks to your break down and the pictures.

Long may your inspiration continue to help me on my journey xx

Talesfrommylens said...

Heather I simply love your blog. When I started to learn crochet you were such an inspiration. I LOVE your colours. You make everything look achievable. The rainbow blanket is just beautiful, it makes me smile & my eyes pop !!!! I enjoy reading your journey too & through it all you remain positive. Also it's so sweet to see what your lovely mummy is making then we know where you get your talent from. Email is : janeegarry@aol.com

Unknown said...

Beautiful as usual and good to hear you've chosen to keep this one for Patchwork House. You deserve a treat for helping inspire so many of us. Keep up the good work x

Handmade by Lorna said...

Wow your blanket is beautiful :)
I love lots of things about your blog but my most favourite part is probably your pictures. I love the way there are lots of close-ups with all the yarn details makes/colours.

*pink*blossoms* said...

Hi heather, your work and posts are such a joy to see on Instagram. Your work is such an inspiration and soo beautiful with the array of colour palettes you use.
Thank you for the opportunity.
My email is saf_11@hotmail.co.uk
Love Safiyya

Unknown said...

Love Stylecraft yarns and have felt the batik, not used it YET but seeing your blanket think I have to.

Claire H 💜 said...

I love the way your blog is set out with pics it's so easy to read and your tutorials are fab x I follow on insta and fb too! Love the mugshots ��
My email is chazle30@gmail.com

Kate Warburton said...

Heather, your blogs are always inspirational! I adore this blanket and your knowledge of blending colours is always remarkable. You have inspired me so much and your passion for crochet is abundantly clear. Thank you for your hints, tips and advice. Warmest wishes, Kate x kandpwarburton@btinternet.com

Safiyya said...

Hi heather, your work and posts are such a joy to see on Instagram. Your work is such an inspiration and soo beautiful with the array of colour palettes you use.
Thank you for the opportunity.
My email is safleurlondon@gmail.com
Love Safiyya

Claire said...

I love seeing how you combine colours, as sometimes I just don't know what to put with what. I love your photos and how you use books that I already have! :) love to you xx

Claire said...

Not sure if my email will show on my previous post so exspal@gmail.com !

debbiem said...

I love all the colour inspiration from your blog, not just the crochet colour combinations but the matches with your mugs in beautiful photography. Thank you

Jane said...

Heather your blog is a delight to read and your colour recipes bring colour into our lives. Keep on using the gifts God has given to you that inspire so many people. Thank you for sharing with us. Jane x derekandjanereid@btinternet.com

Unknown said...

I love the blanket patterns you make . I made the ripple blanket from the kit at wool warehouse and my son loves it. Your instructions are very clear, with lots of pictures. And your blog is always bright and colourful! Thanks heather! Nicola_daniel@sky.com

Anonymous said...

I found you on Instagram and Facebook page when searching for crochet inspiration. Your work, colour choices and patterns have inspired me to get the crochet hook out again. I am hooked again and cannot put my crochet down. I love reading your posts and marvel at the speed you crochet.


Asha Lewis said...

I've been following your blog and fb page for a long time. I love your use of colour and the variety of blankets that you produce -at an incredible rate!

The thing I enjoy the most is your gorgeous photos, you always have something pretty and lovely to look at which gets my day off to a good start as I browse fb over my morning coffee.

I love this batik blanket; your posts about using it have inspired me to try it for myself, especially as I am already a big fan of Stylecraft special dk.

Thank you for the inspiration you provide to us all in the yarny community xx


craftymummy said...

I love your colour choices and the way you put them all together. You've inspired me many times with your colour recipes. Thank you x

Michelle Jones said...

I absolutely love your blog if I had to pick a favourite section, I have two! I love your tutorials, especially the CJAYG method and the makes of the month section, I love seeing all the projects you have done in a month. Plus I love all the colours you use and how you put then together.


Emily said...

I love how your joyous personality & love for life & crochet comes through in your writing on the blog. Thankyou for all the inspiration! Love Emily

Judith Arnopp said...

Your blog is great. I have been crocheting for years, know many stitches and techniques but you have taught me the importance of colour combination and now I can create imaginative and stylish pieces of work. Thank you xx

Anonymous said...

When I'm at work counting down the hours and dreaming woolly thoughts your daily blogs lift my spirits and make me smile.

Thank you

Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Your blog is and inspiration to me. It makes me believe I can. Thank you. Jude x

Mouse said...

I've followed you for a while now and love your inspiration, the colours you put together and the tutorials. Many thanks for the chance to win.

gravic said...

I love your blog because you have inspired me to take my crochet beyond the granny square with Willow blocks and others from Jan's book (you should be on commission ;-) ) and corner to corner, and I'm still waiting to try v stitch! Your step by step tutorials have also been a big help and currently working on Willow blocks that I want to join with a braid. Thank you for all you do to encourage and inspire and the way you respond to individuals on your FB pages.

SueBoydon said...

Heather, your crochet & blog are inspiring to people like me who can do the basics but need inspiration & confidence to try new things. You obviously have been brought up by a wonderful Mum, who still makes wonderful blankets, & my daughter has followed in my footsteps as I hope her daughter will too. Skills such as yours have to continue down the generations as they are so valuable. May you continue inspiring others for a very, very long time :-)

Unknown said...

Oooh! Heather you always make things look so achievable. I love how you make it simple without being condecending too. Your colour combinations are fun and I now take my time to find the right way, its made such a difference to the end sense of satisfaction. Thank you for the inspiration :) sandra.tw@btopenworld.com

Unknown said...

Wow, another great blanket, you are such an inspiration I love love love this beautiful blanket & I will definitely be making this. I love the colours mix & totally agree with your colour placement. You blog is always a must read you always explain things in such an easy to understand way, thank you Heather xx

Nicola Stephens xx

Jen said...

What a beautiful blanket! I loved the squares as I was reading through , but what a surprise how they look joined. I love how the flower design comes to life! I always enjoy reading your blog, I love your colour combinations. I have made a few c2c blankets using your ideas. The new Stylecraft batik looks fantastic. 😊

DevonMaid said...

I love your blog because of the sense of colour in everything you do!

Unknown said...

Dear Heather,

Thank you for accepting my follow request on Instagram, I recently found your blog and my mum recommended your Instagram page so couldn't wait to follow and see your beautiful photos :o)

I love your blog and how clear and colourful your pictures are, it's such a joy to read your passionate words alongside those lovely pictures.

Thank you for the inspiration x

Helen - hlight_50@hotmail.co.uk

jackiescrafts said...

What a fantastic blanket and the extra surprises in the design found when you joined it together are delightful. I love your blog for the. colour inspiration it gives me and also I love to see all your completed items especially the big blankets

Georgia said...

The best thing about your blog is you! You don't hide behind anything, you don't pretend life is super easy and perfect, you tell it how it is and crochet in the mean time! I hope all continues to go well for you. Georgia (@GeorgiasCrochet)

J9sHappiness said...

Beautiful blanket Heather. I love your blog for many reasons but specifically ( if i have to choose 1) i love that you share your process - colour recipes, the books you get your patterns from for squares and the borders. Your work is so lovely it inspires me to use unfamiliar patterns to try to recreate parts of your lovely creations! Take care, x

Unknown said...

I love how your blog is so informative, and the colour combo's you use. And that you are more han happy to share yarn colours and patterns. Your photography is also beautiful !!

Ladybird Diaries said...

Another gorgeous blanket Heather! This one is just beautiful...you've made me really keen to try this yarn now.
Marianne x

Alana Furst said...

I love your blog because you turn yarn into beautiful things x

Alison said...

I find your blog very inspirational. Sharing your journey with chronic ill health has helped me deal with my similar journey. I love your eye for colour, and I find it refreshing to find a blogger who willingly shares her pattern and colour details. Good luck in your new chapter Heather.
(Same name as my mum!). If I am lucky enough to win my email is mindyspoon@googlemail.com

Susanne said...

Heather, I'm so happy I found you! Your blog posts, fb are so inspirational, I'm a new bee to crocheting & your fab detailed tutorials have inspired me to have a go. I have used Stylecraft yarn as you recommend it. Each morning I look to see what you've posted on Fb. Thank you for this, keep hooking. susannemcb@hotmail.co.uk

Unknown said...

Love you blog and colour combinations. This blanket is gorgeous. It's definitely going on my to do list.
I use style craft all the time, but not had chance to use the batik yarn yet.

Unknown said...

Your so inspiring, your tutorials are very effective and thorough. There's just many things to love about your blog and social media, I agree with another comment that crochet is everything but we all have our troubles but at the end of the day... Crochet is our little comfort zone and it's just like therapy.

I hope your doing well Heather

Best wishes,

AliB said...

I love reading your blog and also Facebook page .Your work has given me the motivation to sign up for a beginner's crochet course at the end of September! Your work is beautiful and has made me look at crochet in New way.I look forward to your posts !


Caoi said...

Your blog us beautiful and it inspires me even on a bad day, when I'm to dick to move I have pray and your Beautiful colourful world to get lost in.. thank you

annemarie said...

Beautiful work - love this blanket. Your blog is always my source for the perfect eye candy!!

Alison said...

I am addicted to rainbows and love that they appear so often in your blog

Unknown said...

Heather I have loved following you, You inspire me so much with your colour combinations which amaze me each time and the fact you gave details on how to combine the colors very useful information, thank you, I love the fact you explain the joining in so much detail and i have the book you are recommending so its easy for me to do the same square, I shall have a go at the joining as its so pretty with the flower effect. Keep up inspiring me and love the yarns you use,enjoy crocheting and be blessed every day :) xxx julia-d17@hotmail.com

Hannah Johnson said...

I love the range of colours and patterns you use. I also love your enthusiasm for your finished beauties ��

Lynne said...

I find your blog so inspirational. You seem to have the knack of posting just the right crochet item and colour recipe at the right time. Every on of the items you post makes me want to get my hooks out and start crocheting. I was complemented the other day on how I always seem to pick just the right colour combinations and that is down to following your blog. Thank you Heather for being such a great teacher, as I could never work our the right colours to use before reading your blog. You have also inspired me to start my own craft group, which has now been going for nearly two years.

Sally said...

Obviously I love the gorgeous creations that you make, which inspire me to create my own. I enjoy the straightforward way you describe your methods ...it's a bit like having a chat about crochet with a friend, but without the tea and cake!
From Sally, yorkvilla@me.com

Anonymous said...

Love your mug shots! And especially love your blankets-always beautiful colours! thankyou for inspiring us!

jammiedodger77 said...

I love this blanket 😍. I find your use of colours and textures so inspirational. Can't wait to see your next project!

AliB said...

I've been following you for some time Heather, and enjoy seeing your work. I also envy your productivity....😄

Anonymous said...

Hello Heather, I discovered your blog 1 year ago, and I started to follow you with enthusiastic curiosity..Since the begin you become my inspiration friend..I like your colour match and all your blankets..Thank you so much for sharing your love for crochet with us..Bises&Kisses. Elise, Wimbledon, London.
FB profile: Elise TheFrenchLesson Lindon

Anonymous said...

Love the way you have taken us through your design and colors it encourages us newbie's to experiment with the yarn and colours knowing we will have a stunning blanket when finished. You are insperational to all of us encouring us to experiment with colors and design.Thank you and Stylecraft dollsnbabies@hotmail.co.uk

Jammy Bullfrog said...

Love your ideas. Look forward to seeing your posts. Very inspiring. Thank you too for the prize opportunity....😊

Ann Fitzgerald said...

Thank you for the Giveaway. I love your use of colour whick makes the simplest of patterns look amazing. I wish I could crochet as fast and even as you do. You have inspired me to use different colours and stitches. Ann
No idea how to link to my email so here it is

Gwyneth Roberts said...

I'm quite new to crochet and your blog has been an inpiration to me your colours and patterns are great.

Unknown said...

I must admit to loving your blog and especially your colour combinations. I get so much inspiration from them, as personally I can't match colours to save my life.

Nikki said...

I love your Blog Heather. I especially enjoy seeing your wonderful color combos you come up with, as that is my weakness........keep designing and making your beautiful crocheted things.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!!! I have fallen in love with your blanket & I love how you 'sudokued'the squares into the amazing new blanket. I like you like to make blankets & hopefully I will be in with a chance of winning the vouchers & I can buy the new Batik yarn foy own blanket. I have the yarn at the ready to get started on the carousel blanket come Tuesday.


Ann-Marie amhemmings@btinternet.com said...

All your pattern and colour choices are so inspirational. You make me a better crocheter!

Rae Toole said...

I have waited to read your blog till this afternoon Heather. Peace and quiet and a beautiful hook to read and inspire.
It's wonderful. I've followed you through your difficult personal time and am inspired by how you've turned your life around and are still doing something you love.
Anyway, I've been inspired yet again and am hooking this beauty in Stylecraft special, which is lovely and will be gifted to someone needing a big cuddle. I would however love to hook this blanket in the beautiful Batik yarn and winning these vouchers would let me realise my dream.
Keep hooking and inspiring Heather
Keeping everything crossed.

Anonymous said...


Love all the colour combos & the inspiration. Love each and everyone of the blankets you've made by hand. Your Tutorials areThe reason I come back to your blog time & time again X


Anonymous said...

Oh, how I wish I lived in the UK! I'll answer you anyway. What I love about your blog is two-fold the mugs of tea and the detail you put into the posts. You make the projects sound 100% doable.
Keep doing your thing!

Niki Murray said...

Hello Heather, I love your colour choices, your cups and mostly you friendly helpfulness xx nikimurrayuk@yahoo.co.uk

Shona Barakat said...

I love all the colours you use and the instructions on how to achieve the cohesion of those colours.

@mwaite1968 said...

Hi, I love your choice of colours that you use when making any of your blankets. I have made notes of one or two, so that I can hopefully have a go at them. The Batik Blanket is stunning.


Maryfairy said...

I love your colour combinations most and seeing all of your beautiful blankets, a true inspiration:)

Unknown said...

Have found your blog today for first time. It is colourful, uplifting and inspiring. I usually double crochet on right side when joining squares but will definitely be trying from the wrong side.

Unknown said...

I love how homely your blankets are. The colours and styles inspire me to make a blanket bigger than my usual baby blankets!
Love, love, love your blog!

Claire said...

I love your colour recipes - so great to have some inspiration when it isn't easy to get the yarn store to make your own selection. (clairebedrock@yahoo.co.uk)

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