Hello and welcome to Patchwork House . . . . .
my little corner of the world in England, where you will find me addicted to colour and playing with yarn!

30 July 2014

Hexie love

Oh how wonderful summer holidays are for us teachers!
It is fantastic to have time to play
 to be me
 to indulge in yarny hooky pleasures!

I as you know am a Mathematician and get so much pleasure from crochet.
The shapes tessellate so perfectly and this gives me an immense sense of satisfaction!

Now the regular hexagon is a 6 sided polygon with equal sides and angles.
It is perfect for hooky creations yet is one I haven't used much at all.
So time to experiment ...

What better on a lazy sunny afternoon than sitting in the sun hooking daisies!
So my hexie making began.
 I didn't have a pattern so set about playing and came up with this!
As a small project a few of these hexies can be hooked up in no time
 and will make a lovely little table mat or runner.
I do love to fill my home with pretties!

 which has fabulous stitch definition
 and is
available in lovely bright summery colours.
 Its is a DK yarn but
 for mats I work with a 3mm hook to give a firmer texture

I must admit that I wasn't sure if I liked my table mat at this point

but it's amazing what a difference a good edging makes!

So yes the table mat stays
 and now has pride of place in Patchwork House!

As I know you will all be asking for the pattern
I have dug out a suitable suggestion from
magazine issue 5 on page 63

I am loving having time to peruse my stash of Simply Crochet magazines. Each time I look I find new patterns that tempt me. I would highly recommend it at £4.99 it is packed with patterns and lovely articles, features inspiration from our favourite hooky writers and bloggers and is always a total joy.
If you are not already hooked on the mag why not take advantage of this special offer which is open to my readers for the month of July, but
 it ends tomorrow!
You can take a trial offer of 3 issues for £5
isn't that fab!!!
Follow the link
and I'm sure you will not be disappointed!

In future I plan to write more patterns and tutorials and provide links for you all to find these easily on my blog. Thank you all so much for your encouraging comments and emails that help inspire me to continue with my work. The Patchwork Heart is moving forward in a new direction this new academic year. As I work full time it does not leave me as much time as I would like for making orders. I will be blogging more to share my work with the aim of encouraging and inspiring. Rather than taking orders I am now moving onto creating for my own pleasure, trying new ideas and patterns and writing and I will be reopening my Etsy shop in 2015.

Have a wonderful hooky summer



Gillian said...

Your hexie table mat is very nice. I look forward to seeing more of your creations when you are able to share them.

Unknown said...

Oh it looks lovely!! And right at home on your table!!

I am going to get back into crochet for my next project! x

moonstruckcreations said...

Lovely crochet! And, as a teacher myself I often find that I get great ideas for lessons when doing a bit of crochet!


janice15 said...

Love your hexagon placemat it's just love I would like soon in the future to make one thanks for sharing with love Janice

janice15 said...

boy can't seem to leave a comment.. but I love your hexagon its lovely with love janice

Amy at love made my home said...

It looks lovely! I hope that you have a great summer. xx

cockney blonde said...

Love your hexie mat, x

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I love hexies too, one of the first things I ever crocheted was a blanket like Lucy's, talk about jumping in at the deep end. I love the SC mag too but had to stop getting it here, the shop that was supposed to be saving it for me and they missed issues and it's impossible to get back issues here :(

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