Hello and welcome to Patchwork House . . . . .
my little corner of the world in England, where you will find me addicted to colour and playing with yarn!

4 January 2015

Happy New Year

So here we are at the end of the Christmas holidays.
Where did the time go?
  I has so many plans of blog posts to write!

December was a colourful month of crochet
 with baubles and stars flying off the production line

It is wonderful to have completed
 a whole 12 months catalogue of my makes
if you have missed any you can see them all 

December 2014

Its great to have time to stop and look back
time to be thankful
to count our blessings

2014 was a very productive year for me
 and I thank you all for accompanying me
 on my hooky journey

2014 makes

I have had so many orders,
 far more than I can cope with along side a full time job! 
I will be doing my best to meet the orders
 of those who have been promised a place in my order book
 although I must say much later and more slowly than expected.

This year I made 43 blankets
 and that was in between lots of other goodness
such as hot water bottles, scarves, flower garlands, 
poppies, book marks, cushions and  phone cases.

Blankets of 2014
2014 has been such an exciting adventure for me
 working with magazines, yarn shops and manufacturers

more than I could have hoped for

beyond my widest dreams

with new plans ahead
I have decided not to take orders any more

to enable me to create
to develop my crochet 
I will be going on a yarn journey this year trying new things

I aim to blog more and write up tips and patterns for you
and I will be selling occasionally from my

2015 has begun in a very colourful way
with my plum circle of friends blanket

the colours are delicious
so vibrant and rich
I used 28 shades of
my favourite blanket making yarn

I have now completed Lucy's blanket in 2 weeks!
If you missed the story and beginning of this you can read it 

Now I am working on the deep lacey border
 but have sadly run out of yarn 
and am waiting for the postman!

So there's nothing else for it but to start my next creation!

Do watch out on FB and IG for daily updates as I hook
and I will be back next week with details of the border.

Happy New Year to you all




Janet said...

A beautiful blanket. Looking forward to seeing the border. I hope you have an enjoyable busy 2015.

Amy at love made my home said...

My goodness you have been so incredibly busy this last year! I hope that you have lots of crafting fun in 2015 and I look forward to hearing all about it. xx

Unknown said...

Wow !What a colourful and creative year you have had! Looking forward to seeing more of your personal creations as we slide in to 2015!

Unknown said...

Wow !What a colourful and creative year you have had! Looking forward to seeing more of your personal creations as we slide in to 2015!

Gillian said...

You have been very busy. I hope it all goes well for you in 2015.

Gehaakt met Liefde said...

Absolutely amazing work. I follow you on IG also and you are an inspiration!

Tanna said...

Oh. my. goodness!! Such beautiful and prolific work!! You are amazing! I'm so glad I found your blog. =) May 2015 be all you hope and dream it will be as you reshape your days. blessings ~ tanna

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Gosh that blanket is lovely, nice work. Happy New Year to you and good for you taking a new path, good luck with all you do. x

Sam I Am...... said...

I just came over from Little Woolie who mentioned your 43 blankets? I love your projects and I have a thing for blankets but I am not as productive as you! LOL!

Kathryn Senior said...

I am enjoying following you on IG Heather - your blankets are wonderful. I can’t believe that you made so many last year and work full time. Do you crochet when you are asleep? xxx Kathryn

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