Hello and welcome to Patchwork House . . . . .
my little corner of the world in England, where you will find me addicted to colour and playing with yarn!

3 August 2014

Hello August

Goodbye July and Hello August!
Pheww its been hot ... too hot for me,
 but at least we feel that we've had some summer now!

August has arrived with excitement
 as we celebrate the 80th and 85th birthdays of my parents.
This weekend they hosted a birthday meal to celebrate
 and 26 of us joined together in a very special afternoon.
 Mum and I decorated the restaurant with flowers from her garden
 which we love far more than any shop flowers.

I will be giving Mum the special blanket I have made
 on her actual birthday this week
 so do watch next weekend for the big reveal!

Socialising is not really my cup of tea
 and after 2 social events in 2 days today I was exhausted!
 So I took great delight in a much needed
 afternoon of total indulgence and relaxation
 here at Patchwork House.
 I know I'm tired when even crochet is beyond me!

This week I've been busy
 and as well as working on an Elmer blanket and a V stitch blanket
 I've whipped up another set of starburst flowers for a baby blanket.
 This is going to be a beauty joined in cream.
Feast your eyes on these beauties made in my favourite 
in fondant pomegranate shrimp bright pink plum magenta
 lavender turquoise aspen spring green and citron.

This pattern is called starburst or sunburst
there are plenty available on the Internet and there is one
 by Priscilla Hewitt that you can use

This week I will be surrounding these beauties with cream
 and will of course show you the finishes baby blanket next weekend!

I will leave you know with a view of my July

I hope that August brings holidays and relaxation

Happy Hookin!




Tarnyia said...

Love those colours... Happy Birthday to your parents xxx

Gillian said...

Hope your mum enjoys her real birthday day and especially getting the blanket you've made for her. I'm sure she'll love it. Socialising can be hard work - at least I think so! So no wonder you were tired. Your new crochet looks lovely.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you regarding the flowers from the garden, perfect colors.

Can't wait to see the new blanket, just my kind of colors, again.
Plain white is not for me.
Wish you a perfect day.

Amy at love made my home said...

Happy Birthday to your Mum and Dad! It looks as though you have had a very busy, but happy July, I hope that August will bring more of the same! xx

Margie’s daughter Leiny said...

You are so industrious Heather, happy birthdays to your parents and I really love the colours you are using, I started my first v stitch project this week, happy August, big hugs, love Margie ❤️

Margie’s daughter Leiny said...

You are so industrious Heather, happy birthdays to your parents and I really love the colours you are using, I started my first v stitch project this week, happy August, big hugs, love Margie ❤️

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Glorious colours :D Don't your mum and dad look lovely! :D xx

Gayla said...

I love all your pictures! Loved the wonderful party for your mum... It is so special. I wonder if you have ever shared your method for the varying layers of color? I have been seeing how you lay out the circles in progress w ith a skein of yarn... So I don't really understand how you know where to lay what. I struggle with that when I don't use a pattern but just pick colors....

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